Dear patient

Medicenter is a Modern Dental Office that Meets Your Highest Expectations

For the sake of your healthy and beautiful smile, we offer comprehensive dental care at affordable prices. All treatments are performed using the highest class specialized equipment. For your convenience, we’ve also created the option of taking x-rays in our office including a pantomogram and dental tomography.

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is constantly improve our qualifications to be able to heal according to global standards.

  • Great Experience

    Thanks to our experience, we have gained what is most valuable, i.e. patient trust and their positive recommendations.

We Look Forward To Meeting and Bring Back Your Smile

Our dentists are a team of qualified specialists who have all the necessary qualities and skills so that the best dentist can be able to provide services at the highest level. Our educated specialists with extensive knowledge and experience counted in years and hundreds of treatments performed. We offer:


      Η κλινική δερματολογία ασχολείται με την διάγνωση και τη θεραπεία των παθήσεων του δέρματος, τριχών και ονύχων.


      Η δερματοχειρουργική είναι η χειρουργική αφαίρεση δερματικών βλαβών. Πραγματοποιείται τόσο για λόγους υγείας όσο και για αισθητικούς λόγους.


      Η Αφροδισιολογία είναι ο κλάδος της ιατρικής που ασχολείται με τα σεξουαλικώς μεταδιδόμενα νοσήματα (ΣΜΝ).


      Αλλεργιολογία είναι ο κλάδος της δερματολογίας που ασχολείται με ανοσολογικές αντιδράσεις εξαιτίας τεχνητής ή φυσικής προέλευσης αλλεργιογόνων.





Founders of the Clinic

Medicenter is a unique place, which consists of nice and always helpful staff, a qualified team of doctors,
each of whom is a specialist in the field, professional equipment and friendly interiors.

    Why Choose Us

    It is the people who make Medicenter what it is and we are extremely proud of the achievements of our
    staff. We all work together to help our patients through recovery, providing the best possible care.

    • Ολοκληρωμένη Φροντίδα

      Προσεγγίζουμε κάθε ασθενή μας ξεχωριστά. Παρέχουμε υψηλής ποιότητας υπηρεσίες και φροντίζουμε με ευαισθησία κάθε ασθένεια.

    • Εξειδικευμένη Ομάδα

      Καλύπτοντας όλο το φάσμα της δερματολογίας ανταποκρινόμαστε με εξειδικευμένες γνώσεις στις εξατομικευμένες ανάγκες των ασθενών μας.

    • Ακριβής Θεραπεία

      Κάθε θεραπεία είναι διαφορετική και προσαρμοσμένη στις συγκεκριμένες ανάγκες των ασθενών μας για να είναι ακριβής και αποτελεσματική.

    • Ατομική Προσέγγιση

      Ο Δρ. Μητράκος και ο ασθενής αποφασίζουν μαζί ένα πρόγραμμα θεραπείας που είναι διαχειρίσιμο, προσιτό και λογικό.

    • Ασφαλής ατμόσφαιρα

      Μεριμνούμε για την ηρεμία των ασθενών μας, ώστε να νιώθουν άνετα και ασφαλείς, εξαλείφοντας φόβους και άγχος.

    • Άνετη Κλινική

      Χαλαρώστε στην άνετη αίθουσα αναμονής μας με ήρεμη μουσική. Οι ασθενείς μας αντιμετωπίζονται πάντα ως καλεσμένοι μας.

    • Conservative Dentistry

      No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD.

      • Dental consultation with a treatment plan in paper version
      • Complete preparation and reconstruction of a tooth defect
      • Issuing a medical certificate for surgery
      • Endodontic treatment of a 1-canal tooth
    • Aesthetic Dentistry

      No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD.

      • Dental consultation with a treatment plan in paper version
      • Complete preparation and reconstruction of a tooth defect
      • Issuing a medical certificate for surgery
      • Endodontic treatment of a 1-canal tooth
    • Dental Surgery

      No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD.

      • Dental consultation with a treatment plan in paper version
      • Complete preparation and reconstruction of a tooth defect
      • Issuing a medical certificate for surgery
      • Endodontic treatment of a 1-canal tooth
    • Root Canal Treatment - Endodontics

      No appointment needed, most patients are seen, treated and released in about 60 minutes. Certified and experienced MD.

      • Dental consultation with a treatment plan in paper version
      • Complete preparation and reconstruction of a tooth defect
      • Issuing a medical certificate for surgery
      • Endodontic treatment of a 1-canal tooth

    Where to find us

    Our dentist office

    The office is located 100 meters from the metro station and 500 meters from the A2 route, which provides easy access both by metro and other means of transport. See our doctor’s schedule and make an appointment.


    Contact details

    Medicenter Dental Clinic

    2702 Memory Lane, office 5
    Chicago, IL 60605

    Hours of Operation
    Mon – Fri: 08:00 am – 05:00 pm
    Sat: 09:00 am – 03:00 pm

    In Case of Emergency Call

    (510) 210-5225

    To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form below.